Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Thing a Week

Ok. So, with the new year, I tend to do a resolution. My resolutions are a little different from most people, though, in that I strive to have a positive resolution. Instead of "stop doing something I shouldn't be doing", or "do that thing I should do but hate", I try to use the resolution as a kick start for those things I always wanted to do, but have somehow put off. One year, I attempted to read more. Another year, I kept a log book (primarily for work). Last years was to start a blog. As you can tell, my track record isn't perfect, but I do give it a shot.

This year, my resolution is to try to do something new each week. Sometimes they will be big things, other times they will be a little more mundane. I read somewhere that for kids time seems to pass more slowly because they are constantly experiencing new things, and that the best way to prolong your life was to get deeply into something new every 90 days. OK, so I'm not going to commit that heavily, but I like that concept, and want to try it out myself. Even if it is on a smaller scale. So here we go.

So, what counts as a new thing? For starters it shouldn't be too close to a variation on a theme of something I do all the time. "I've never seen THAT episode of Seinfeld" won't cut it. Obviously, as you can tell, making things will factor heavily in my goal, but it certainly won't be limited to that alone. And if I do, I'm hoping that my technique I use will be the primary "new thing". My goal for this experiment is two-fold. To gain new experiences, and to gain new capabilities. These will hopefully help me choose the new thing to do. If other people comment, I may take those suggestions into account.

Oh, and if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm using this as an excuse to also do one of those things that seems like a chore - update my blog more regularly. That, however, doesn't count as a new thing for the week.

1 comment:

  1. How about your new thing be to come and visit me and cook me some supper! now that would be new :) and lovely!
